Dilation and Curettage (D&C): Early Surgical Abortion in New Jersey

A dilation and curettage (D&C) abortion is a safe and effective early surgical abortion procedure commonly used in the first trimester.

If you’re considering this option, you may have questions about how it works and what to expect during and after treatment.

In the comprehensive guide below, we discuss what you need to know, including where to find a safe and legal D&C in New Jersey.

What is a D&C in New Jersey?

A D&C abortion is a medical procedure that removes pregnancy tissue from the uterus.

It is performed by a licensed provider in a clinical setting and is commonly used to terminate an early pregnancy or to remove tissue after a miscarriage.

The D&C procedure involves two steps.

The first is dilation, during which the cervix is gently opened using medication or small instruments.

The second step is curettage, during which a suction device or surgical tool is used to remove pregnancy tissue from the uterus.

This quick and highly effective method is often preferred by those who want an in-clinic procedure rather than taking medication at home.

When is a D&C Abortion Used?

Unlike a second-trimester D&E, dilation & curettage is typically performed up to 13 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy.

It may be used when a person chooses to terminate an early pregnancy for any reason, such as if continuing the pregnancy poses a risk to the patient’s health.

It may also be used if pregnancy tissue remains in the uterus after a miscarriage.

How Do I Prepare for a D&C?

Your healthcare provider will give you instructions beforehand on how to prepare to help ensure a smooth experience.

These may include:

  • Avoiding food and drinks for a certain number of hours before the procedure if sedation is used
  • Arranging a ride home if you will receive sedation or anesthesia
  • Discussing your medical history with your provider to ensure you are a good candidate
  • Taking prescribed medications before your visit if needed to soften the cervix

Following your provider’s pre-procedure instructions will help minimize discomfort and ensure the safest possible experience.

woman at an appointment for a D&C abortion in Jersey

What Should I Expect During a D&C?

This is a quick surgery that usually only takes about 10 to 15 minutes for the procedure itself to be performed.

Here’s what happens during the appointment:

  • Receptionist will greet you and ask you to complete a medical history form
  • After a review of your chart, you will be escorted to the laboratory where you will leave a urine specimen in order for your pregnancy to be confirmed and a small amount of blood will be drawn to test for anemia and to determine your RH factor.
  • Private one-on-one consultation with one of our Board Certified Gynecologists where the doctor will perform an ultrasound to confirm the size of your pregnancy.
  • A qualified peer counselor will then explain the abortion procedure to you. Here you will be given the opportunity to ask questions and to discuss your feelings and concerns about your decision. The counselor will give you post-operative instructions and discuss risks and complications with you. She will also be happy to talk about birth control methods that are available to you.
  • In the operating room, you will be attended to by a Registered Nurse, an Anesthesiologist, and doctor. The anesthesiologist will start an IV, and will monitor your anesthesia throughout the procedure.
  • Your surgery will be performed by one of our Board Certified Gynecologists by dilating (widening) your cervix in order to pass a vacurette into the uterus. The thin plastic device will gently remove the pregnancy tissue, completing the procedure. The process should take between 7 and 10 minutes.
  • Following the surgery, you will be taken to our Recovery Room where a Registered Nurse will monitor your vital signs and bleeding.
  • Once you are well enough to sit in a chair, you will be offered a pain reliever and a snack.
  • Before you are discharged by a Registered Nurse to a responsible adult who can drive you home, you will be given oral and written post-operative instructions. Approximately, 30 minutes after your procedure you will be discharged.

How Long is the Recovery Afterward?

Recovery from a D&C is usually quick. Most people return to normal activities within one to two days.

Common symptoms include mild cramping (which can be managed with pain relievers, light bleeding for a few days to a week, and fatigue from the procedure or sedation.

Your provider will give you aftercare instructions, including when to avoid strenuous activities and when to follow up if needed.

Am I a Good Candidate for a D&C?

A D&C abortion may be right for you if:

  • You prefer an in-clinic procedure rather than taking medication at home.
  • You want immediate results rather than waiting for pregnancy tissue to pass.
  • You are less than 14 weeks pregnant and eligible for this method.
  • You have had a miscarriage or abortion with retained pregnancy tissue.
  • Your provider has recommended it for medical reasons.

If you’re unsure which method is best for you, a provider can help you decide based on your health history and preferences.

Where Can I Get a Safe, Legal D&C in Englewood?

If you are seeking compassionate care, Metropolitan Medical Associates provides legal reproductive abortion services in a safe, private, judgment-free setting.

Call our team at 800-932-0378 to speak with an experienced member of our team. Ready to get started? Schedule your appointment for abortion services including a D&C, abortion pill, or a D&E, by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.

Our experienced providers will ensure you receive the highest quality care in a confidential and supportive environment.

Exclusivity Available (Enhanced Privacy)

Evening appointments are available Monday through Saturday, in the utmost private, dignified, confidential, safe and caring environment. Please notify us when requesting your appointment.

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Being a AAAASF | The Gold Standard in Accreditation, our center must adhere to strict rules and regulations set forth by the State of New Jersey and the Department of Health & Human Service

We are a proud member of National Abortion Federation (NAF).

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