Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): Second Trimester Abortion in New Jersey

A D&E in New Jersey, also known as a Dilation and Evacuation procedure, is an abortion performed in the second trimester of pregnancy. It is the most common and safest method for terminating a pregnancy after 13 weeks, and up to 27 weeks.

If you’re considering this procedure, you may have questions about how it works, how it compares to other abortion options, and what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.

Here’s what you need to know!

What is a D&E Abortion in New Jersey?

This is a surgical procedure used to remove pregnancy tissue from the uterus.

Dilation and Evacuation involves two key steps as the name implies, dilation and evacuation.

The cervix is gradually opened to allow for the safe removal of pregnancy tissue during the dilation stage.

Medical instruments are used to suction the tissue from the uterus during the second phase, evacuation.

Second-trimester abortions are only permitted to be performed by an experienced healthcare professional in a clinic to ensure safety and effectiveness.

When is a D&E Abortion Used?

A D&E procedure is recommended in situations such as the following:

  • Elective abortion: When a person chooses to terminate a second-trimester pregnancy, between weeks 13 and 27.
  • Medical necessity: If continuing the pregnancy poses risks to the patient’s health
  • Fetal abnormalities: If a severe fetal condition or anomaly is detected
  • Incomplete miscarriage: When pregnancy tissue remains in the uterus after a miscarriage

How Do I Prepare for the Abortion Procedure?

Before a second trimester abortion, your provider will give you instructions to help ensure a smooth procedure. They include the following:

  1. Do not eat or drink anything starting from midnight the night before your appointment. This includes water, chewing gum or mints.
  2. Leave all of your jewelry and valuables at home
  3. Have someone drive you to the facility (if being sedated), and either stay or return to take you home after you’ve been discharged.
  4. Please do not bring children to the facility
  5. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please call to reschedule
  6. Wear comfortable clothes

Following your provider’s pre-procedure instructions will help minimize discomfort and ensure the safest possible experience.

doctor performing a D&E in New Jersey

What Should I Expect During Dilation and Evacuation?

A D&E abortion is typically completed in two steps over two days:

Day 1: Cervical Preparation

Medication or small dilators are inserted into the cervix to gently open it. This process helps reduce your discomfort and to prevent injuries during the procedure.

Day 2: Surgical Procedure

You may receive sedation or anesthesia to promote your comfort. The removal of pregnancy tissue is done using suction and surgical instruments.

The procedure usually takes 30 minutes or less. Afterward, you will rest at the clinic before being discharged with aftercare instructions.

How Long is the Recovery Afterward?

Most people recover within a few days following a D&E abortion.

Common symptoms include mild to moderate cramping, bleeding or spotting for up to two weeks, and fatigue and soreness for the first 24-48 hours.

Your provider will give you aftercare instructions, including when to avoid strenuous activities and sexual intercourse.

Follow-up visits will be recommended to ensure full recovery.

Am I a Good Candidate for a D&E in New Jersey?

This type of abortion may be the best option for you if:

  • You want to have an abortion.
  • You are beyond 13 weeks pregnant and need a second-trimester abortion.
  • You prefer an in-clinic procedure.
  • Your provider has determined that a D&E is the safest option for you.

If you’re unsure, your provider can help you determine if a D&E is the right choice based on your medical history and pregnancy stage.

Why Choose Metropolitan Medical Associates for a Second Trimester Abortion in New Jersey?

Abortions performed in the second trimester of pregnancy is a significantly different procedure from the first trimester. Although there are similarities, as pregnancy progresses through the second trimester, the surgical abortion procedure used, requires greater time, skill and entails somewhat greater risk, though still significantly lower than carrying a pregnancy to term.

Our team of Board Certified gynecologists will perform your second trimester abortion under anesthesia.

Our doctors have been providing second trimester abortions for over 30 years.

The two-day procedure is performed in our own state licensed facility. If you require a two-day procedure, and live further than one hour away, you should make arrangements to stay in the area overnight.

Many New Jersey genetic counselors and area gynecologists refer their own patients to us for both elective and medically indicated procedures commonly known as fetal anomalies. We can arrange for genetic testing and burial or cremation if that is your wish.

Book Your Safe and Legal Dilation and Evacuation in New Jersey at MMA in Nearby Englewood

Metropolitan Medical Associates provides expert reproductive healthcare in a safe, legal, professional setting.

Call us today at 800-932-0378 to book your visit, or request an appointment online now.

Exclusivity Available (Enhanced Privacy)

Evening appointments are available Monday through Saturday, in the utmost private, dignified, confidential, safe and caring environment. Please notify us when requesting your appointment.

Patient Notifications


Being a AAAASF | The Gold Standard in Accreditation, our center must adhere to strict rules and regulations set forth by the State of New Jersey and the Department of Health & Human Service

We are a proud member of National Abortion Federation (NAF).

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