Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you are pregnant, or think you might be, and need abortion help, please feel free to contact us during office hours. We always respect your privacy.

Sometimes people feel uncomfortable asking personal questions over the telephone. If you prefer email, please send any questions and/or concerns you may have about any subject you like to us via our General Contact form. We will answer confidentially, and give you the facts about abortion without judgment.

Most abortions are performed within the first trimester of pregnancy. During this early stage, there is very little risk involved when an abortion is performed and followed-up by an experienced physician.

When second trimester abortion procedures are performed by trained and experienced OB/GYN, like the doctors at Metropolitan Medical Associates, the procedure is safe and has fewer complications.

Surgical abortions are best and most comfortable and safe when an anesthesiologist is there to provide you with comfort. It’s important to ask if they are on staff and will be assisting in you abortion care. With an anesthesiologist present, there will be no pain during the surgery. After the procedure, normally you will experience some abdominal cramps right after the procedure.

Be aware of the term “twilight” — it’s NOT a medical term and can be misleading. Know who is treating you and and their qualifications.

Your abortion visit to our center will take approximately 3-4 hrs. This includes, your recovery time. It would be wise for your driver to leave during this time and return to accompany you home before you are discharged.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both procedures. The Abortion Pill may be taken up to 10 weeks after a missed period. This procedure usually, causes more bleeding and cramping than a surgical abortion.

However, some women prefer the Abortion Pill method because there is no surgical or anesthesia risks involved.

If our physician’s evaluation finds you eligible for either procedure, it becomes a matter of personal choice.

Our staff is extremely sensitive to your privacy and confidentiality. Together with you, they will arrange for appropriate and discreet contact information. We highly encourage you to return to us for your follow-up care.

Currently, New Jersey abortion laws do not require minors to have parental consent or parent notification. Although, involving your parents, spouse or friend may be helpful in making the best possible choice, ultimately, the decision is up to you.